1. What payment methods do you accept?

Girl Beauty Aesthetics accepts major credit cards, Amazon, American Express, Apple Pay, Diners Club, Discover, Meta Pay, Google Pay, Mastercard, PayPal, Shop Pay and other secure payment options for your convenience.

  1. Can I modify or cancel my order?

Orders can be modified or canceled within 24 hours of purchase. Please contact us promptly with your request.

  1. Do you offer international shipping?

Currently, Girl Beauty Aesthetics  provides free shipping within the USA. For international orders, please reach out to us for shipping options and rates.

  1. What is your return policy?

Enjoy hassle-free returns within 30 days of purchase. Items must be unworn, with tags attached. Refer to our Returns & Exchanges page for more details.

  1. How can I track my order?

Once your order is dispatched, you’ll receive a shipping confirmation email with a tracking number. Use this number to track your package on our website or with the carrier.

  1. Do you offer gift cards?

Yes, Girl Beauty Aesthetics offers electronic gift cards for purchase. They make the perfect gift for any occasion and can be redeemed online or in-store.

  1. Are your products ethically sourced?

Girl Beauty Aesthetics prioritizes ethical sourcing and collaborates with suppliers who uphold fair labor practices and environmental sustainability.

  1. Can I request personalized styling advice?

Absolutely! Our styling experts are on hand to provide personalized recommendations to help you create the perfect ensemble. Contact us for assistance.

  1. How do I determine the right size?

Our comprehensive size guide offers detailed measurements to ensure the perfect fit. For further assistance, our customer service team is readily available to help.

  1. How can I contact customer service?

For any inquiries or concerns, reach out to our dedicated customer service team via email at:

Support: 24/7-

Phone: +14246550065

Email: girlbeautyaesthetics@gmail.com

Address: 29605 Solana Way, A1, Temecula CA 92591, United States